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Genius HR

Skynet Solutions Limited

About Genius HR

Skynet Solutions Limited (SSL) has been a developer of Human Resource Management solution since 2010. With a team of HR consultants and I.T experts, Skynet Solutions is an HR system designed with great practicality ingratiate for various business and compliance demand for operating in Hong Kong, China and Macau around Asia Pacific Region, for the purpose of empowering enterprises of all sizes to manage and mobilize their modern workforces. Skynet Solutions is the preferred partner of choice for many SME-class customers.

宏科系統有限公司(SSL)成立於2010。憑著超過10年的人力資源管理解決方案的經驗, 使 SSL 成為一家很特別及耀眼的公司。為了滿足香港和亞太地區 包括中國和澳門企業的需要,SSL 是由人力資源顧問和 IT 專家組成的團隊在改良人力資源管理系統和服務方面投入極多資源,亦因此為公司帶來品質兼優的聲譽。SSL 致力提供一系列領先、高效能、靈活、可靠、穩定、自動化及處理彈性的人力資源管理系統服務是許多中小型企業客戶的首選首選合作夥伴。

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