Tafseer e Baghwi | Quran |Urdu icon

Tafseer e Baghwi | Quran |Urdu

Akhzar Nazir
4.0 out of 5

About Tafseer e Baghwi | Quran |Urdu

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Tafseer-e-Baghwi - Urdu Translation (Tarjuma) by Ashrafiya Majlis-e-Tahqeeq

نام : معالم التنزیل
مصنف : ابو محمد حسین بن مسعود الفراء بغوی شافعی (رح)
مترجم : اشرفیہ مجلس تحقیق
اردو ترجمہ قرآن: فتح محمد جالندہری
ناشر : ادارہ تالیفات اشرفی

Application Features:
- Now user can learn Quran Ayah by Ayah beautiful Quran Recitation by Audio
- surah 1 # and Last 71 to 114 Surah of Quran.
- Now user can Read full Sarah without translation in "Mushaf Mode"
- Code optimization for better performance
- Complete Tafseer-e-Baghwi by Ashrafiya Majlis-e-Tahqeeq
- Colored Word by Word Quran Translation
- Advance Search functionality in Quran, Translation (Tarjuma) and Tafseer
- Save Unlimited Bookmarks
- Quick Jump to Ayah
- View Ruku and Para information for every Ayah
- Ability to show/hide Word by Word, Quran Translation (Tarjuma)
- Five (5) Different Arabic Fonts
- Five (5) Different Urdu Fonts
- Ability to show/hide Para Information

Do read and benefit from this app in shaa Allah and help us spread the message of Islam to as many people as possible.

Tafseer e Baghwi | Quran |Urdu Screenshots