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If Else Cloud Ltd

About Kypeco

Kypeco is a ground-breaking technical eco-system which helps establishing key principals laid by Industry 4.0 and bridging the gap of the cyber-physical production system. It enables manufacturers of all sectors to get the genealogy of their production environment.

Intelligent real-time insights to help plan and mitigate the risk of a possible downtime, waste and poor performance. With Kypeco manufacturers can get insights of current shift, in comparison with previous shift, days, week, month and even years. The real-time analysis with the historic data helps to visualise how your manufacturing plant is performing and the key areas to invest and improve.

Collect real-time manufacturing insights of one assembly line, multiple lines, one site or even multiple sites – all at your fingertips using the smart device of your choice! A smart map-based UI to select any site geo-located anywhere in the world and deep-dive within a couple of clicks.

The ecosystem is available on phones, tablets and smart watches. Get real-time work-order updates, shift target board (pacing-boards), intelligent insights and reports, critical alerts and details of all manufacturing lines, quality control reports and assigned issues.

Providing Bespoke Native ExperienceThe product designs are tailored natively for your device to provided outstanding experience. Rotate the tablet device in portrait or landscape mode to make use of the space and the orientation you prefer. The product runs natively on your device to provide the great user experience including full control over notifications etc – it's not a browser based slow responsive app!

* Get real-time notifications of your manufacturing environment: Intelligent notification system is fully customisable to receive important notification when a manufacturing line is down for more than a certain duration or when line OEE drops below a certain level etc. Note: please use the web-application to customise the notification settings.

*Agile way of work-order management: Use in-app work order management to view detailed production summary. Check scheduled work-orders, with intelligent insights and predictions about their timings and production matrices.

* Integrate Quality Control Reports: Use the in-app feature to record quality control data and automatically attach it with the work-orders or production lines. Get one-click review of any work-order and take actions if the quality of the production is not as expected. No more faulty products. No more quality misses. No more paperwork!

Kypeco is an eco-system and to make it fully accessible, it runs in a fully functional web application, native phone apps, bespoke functionality for phones and tablets, smart watches and more. It helps users to receive insights right in the environment they are comfortable working with.

Time for legacy, rigid and siloed manufacturing process control systems to give way to the advanced decentralised intelligence, as insights driven planning blaze the trail in production.

Kypeco Screenshots