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Hafele Smart Living

Hafele (Thailand) Ltd
5.0 out of 5

About Hafele Smart Living

Take control of your home with Hafele Smart Living APP. Life is one click away from being both smart and safe. Hafele carefully selected and tested quality devices to make your life easier than before.
1. Remote control smart doorbell, smart lock, lights, air-conditioner, cameras and garage doors.
2. Make your home safer with wireless motion or vibration detectors, door contacts and smoke sensors.
3. Sumultaniously control multiple devices with one App.
4. Set pre-set scenes and timers to control multiple devices with one click.
5. Use automation settings to trigger actions by status of devices, e.g. thermostat adjusts air-conditioner.
6. Easily share devices among family members
7. Guided setup to connect devices, diagnosis and support features.

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