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Learn Chinese pronunciation

Ming Sung Kang
5.0 out of 5

About Learn Chinese pronunciation

We focused on the first stage of human information processing, discovery, and the burden of learning, aimed to make learners cognizant of the tone efficiently. Regarding tone learning, a lack of guidance and learners not being conscious of tones are the reasons that even advanced learners have such a high tone error rate. Though it is important to teach pronunciation properly, it is difficult for all learners to cope with the difficulties and correct pronunciation errors in the second language class, which aims to make learners gain basic conversation skills in a short time.
The learning method we prefer emphasizes step by step acquisition with polysyllabic perceptual training. We designed the perception questions based on the investigation and prepared the tone perception questions for the learner who needs more manageable tasks that consists of tones with different pitch range and pitch height.

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