This app assists the aircraft airframe and powerplant (A&P) mechanic in determining the correct American Wire Gauge (AWG) wire size for given conditions, according to procedures outlined in FAA Publication AC 43-13 1B (Acceptable Methods, Techniques, and Practices - Aircraft Inspection and Repair), Chapter 11.
Conditions include circuit length, current, voltage, wire temperature (known or estimated) and derating factors for both altitude and wire bundle size/loading percentage.
The app also contains utilities that enable the aircraft mechanic to determine the following parameters without hands-on use of the AC 43-13 (when field/shop conditions make it impractical). Figures are referenced:
- Maximum Wire Length (standard temperature).
-- Input parameters: circuit voltage, current, current flow and AWG.
-- Output: L1.
-- Ref: AC 43-13 1B, Fig 11-2/3
- Maximum Current (standard temperature).
-- Input parameters: circuit voltage, current flow, wire length and AWG.
-- Output: Max Current.
-- Ref: AC 43-13 1B, Fig 11-2/3
- Altitude Deration Factor.
-- Input parameter: Max Altitude.
-- Output: Altitude Deration Factor.
-- Ref: AC 43-13 1B, Fig 11-6
- Bundle Deration Factor.
-- Input parameters: Wire Count and Loading Percentage
-- Output: Bundle Deration Factor.
-- Ref: AC 43-13 1B, Fig 11-5
- IMAX (elevated temperature).
-- Input parameters: ambient temperature, conductor temperature rating and AWG.
-- Output: IMAX.
-- Ref: AC 43-13 1B, Fig 11-4a/b
- Bundle Builder (NEW!)
-- Input parameters: number of wires, awg sizes, wire currents, maximum altitude, ambient temperature, wire rating, loading factor
-- Output: Bundle IMAX (derated for bundle and altitude) with table for IMAX per wire.
-- Ref: AC 43-13 1B, Fig 11-4a/b
When a chart does depict data due to input/output parameters exceeding chart limits, data is extrapolated and an appropriate warning ("** extrapolated data") is shown.
The user of AWG CALCULATOR for any specific application without an independent verification of its accuracy does so at his/her own risk and assumes any and all liability resulting from such use. No warranty is offered as to the accuracy of results. Users should have a thorough understanding of the relevant theoretical criteria.
AWG Calculator
Copyright 2023
Conditions include circuit length, current, voltage, wire temperature (known or estimated) and derating factors for both altitude and wire bundle size/loading percentage.
The app also contains utilities that enable the aircraft mechanic to determine the following parameters without hands-on use of the AC 43-13 (when field/shop conditions make it impractical). Figures are referenced:
- Maximum Wire Length (standard temperature).
-- Input parameters: circuit voltage, current, current flow and AWG.
-- Output: L1.
-- Ref: AC 43-13 1B, Fig 11-2/3
- Maximum Current (standard temperature).
-- Input parameters: circuit voltage, current flow, wire length and AWG.
-- Output: Max Current.
-- Ref: AC 43-13 1B, Fig 11-2/3
- Altitude Deration Factor.
-- Input parameter: Max Altitude.
-- Output: Altitude Deration Factor.
-- Ref: AC 43-13 1B, Fig 11-6
- Bundle Deration Factor.
-- Input parameters: Wire Count and Loading Percentage
-- Output: Bundle Deration Factor.
-- Ref: AC 43-13 1B, Fig 11-5
- IMAX (elevated temperature).
-- Input parameters: ambient temperature, conductor temperature rating and AWG.
-- Output: IMAX.
-- Ref: AC 43-13 1B, Fig 11-4a/b
- Bundle Builder (NEW!)
-- Input parameters: number of wires, awg sizes, wire currents, maximum altitude, ambient temperature, wire rating, loading factor
-- Output: Bundle IMAX (derated for bundle and altitude) with table for IMAX per wire.
-- Ref: AC 43-13 1B, Fig 11-4a/b
When a chart does depict data due to input/output parameters exceeding chart limits, data is extrapolated and an appropriate warning ("** extrapolated data") is shown.
The user of AWG CALCULATOR for any specific application without an independent verification of its accuracy does so at his/her own risk and assumes any and all liability resulting from such use. No warranty is offered as to the accuracy of results. Users should have a thorough understanding of the relevant theoretical criteria.
AWG Calculator
Copyright 2023
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