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Satjinder Bath

About KidKoin

An easy way to reward kids at home?

Try KidKoin!

A fun and educational way to keep track of behaviour in the house.

What can you do?
- Reward kids for anything with a currency called KidKoins to encourage good behaviour
- Take KidKoins away as consequences
- Redeem KidKoins to keep kids motivated to earn more
- Create wishes in your child's personalised wish list with required costs
- Fulfil wishes once the child achieves the cost

John and his sister, Emily decide to work as a team to get both their wishes fulfilled, John wants a new bike and Emily desires a piano. They create a plan where they see how much they should earn and redeem (screen time, go out for dinner, go out for a movie). In the end, they both have their wishes fulfilled, but they also learn a lot about saving up their earnings.

KidKoin Screenshots