A text adventure game set in a fantasy world with modern twists. If the player so chooses, the game text can be read aloud using text to speech technology and commands can be entered simply by speaking.
The premise:
Your device has intercepted a magical cry for help through a time portal from the ancient world of Lanu. The evil wizard Maltor has taken control of the land from the beautiful forest queen, Arainis. To overthrow his evil plan, Arainis has opened this magic portal to allow you to give guidance to the hero, Pawn. Pawn is under a paralyzing spell from Maltor and can not act independently without your commands.
The premise:
Your device has intercepted a magical cry for help through a time portal from the ancient world of Lanu. The evil wizard Maltor has taken control of the land from the beautiful forest queen, Arainis. To overthrow his evil plan, Arainis has opened this magic portal to allow you to give guidance to the hero, Pawn. Pawn is under a paralyzing spell from Maltor and can not act independently without your commands.
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