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About Aimica

Be happily entertained, explore friendship and find a companion in Aimica, the world’s first Artificial Intelligence offering Text, Voice and Video chat in an App.

Aimica uses state of the art Natural Language Processing, Deep Learning inspired by human brain’s network of neurons, innovative Predictive Analytics and Emotional (Sentiment) Analysis to deliver highly engaging and rich conversation.

Chat with Aimica to get know the AI and it’s background, its liking, motive, what it can do and can’t do yet.

Try to make it happy, angry or annoyed – let’s see how it will respond.

Ask Aimica about anything you want to know or learn.

If you are feeling downcast, tell Aimica – see if it can cheer you up! Perhaps Aimica can give you some inspiration too!

Please visit Aimica website to get to know more:

Aimica Screenshots