Beer Wise is for the beer lovers who have trouble picking or finding craft beer nearby. There are a number of ways Beer Wise can help you pick or find new or existing beers.
The primary way is scanning barcodes' of beers you encounter. Once scanned it will give you all the information you will ever want regarding the beer, including Brewery, Style, ABV, IBU, Color, Our Rating and more. Other ways to find beers include search system that allows you to search our database and a browse system that allows you view all the beers by style. Once you have found the beer you want you can then use the locate system that will list anywhere nearby that the beer has been seen and provide navigation to that spot.
Other features include favorite and comparison systems that allow the saving of your favorite beers and the comparing of beers and their stats.
- Scan Beer Barcodes and get stats on beers
- Search or Browse our Beer Database
- Save your Favorite Beers
- Directly Compare your Favorite Beers
- Get The History of the Beer Styles
- Find Breweries' Information
Beer Wise offers a one time in-app purchase which removes any advertising. The cost of removing all advertising is $4.99.
Payment will be charged to the credit card connected to your iTunes Account when you confirm the purchase.
Please email with suggestions for future features or to report bugs.
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The primary way is scanning barcodes' of beers you encounter. Once scanned it will give you all the information you will ever want regarding the beer, including Brewery, Style, ABV, IBU, Color, Our Rating and more. Other ways to find beers include search system that allows you to search our database and a browse system that allows you view all the beers by style. Once you have found the beer you want you can then use the locate system that will list anywhere nearby that the beer has been seen and provide navigation to that spot.
Other features include favorite and comparison systems that allow the saving of your favorite beers and the comparing of beers and their stats.
- Scan Beer Barcodes and get stats on beers
- Search or Browse our Beer Database
- Save your Favorite Beers
- Directly Compare your Favorite Beers
- Get The History of the Beer Styles
- Find Breweries' Information
Beer Wise offers a one time in-app purchase which removes any advertising. The cost of removing all advertising is $4.99.
Payment will be charged to the credit card connected to your iTunes Account when you confirm the purchase.
Please email with suggestions for future features or to report bugs.
Terms of service:
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