Dùbhlan! Lorg na faclan Gàidhlig anns a' gheama ionnsachaidh spòrsail seo. Feuch an app seo an-asgaidh. ’S ann do luchd-cleachdaidh bun-sgoile a tha an app. Tha cruinneachaidhean de dh'fhaclan air diofar chuspairean ann. Bidh tu dìreach a' suaipeadh suas, sìos, deas, clì agus gu trastanach airson na faclan a thaghadh. Siuthad! Feuch e! Bidh spòrs ann!
The challenge is to discover hidden Scottish Gaelic words in our easy to use fun learning game. Designed for primary school users our free app features different categories of words organised by theme. All you need to do is to swipe up, down, left, right and diagonally to select the words. Come on, give it a go and have some fun!
The challenge is to discover hidden Scottish Gaelic words in our easy to use fun learning game. Designed for primary school users our free app features different categories of words organised by theme. All you need to do is to swipe up, down, left, right and diagonally to select the words. Come on, give it a go and have some fun!
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