So what's it like? Let's explain. Imagine that there is one chat room for every 100 square meters of space in the world. When you go to a region, for example, when you enter a shopping mall, you join the chat room special to the people in that area. And when you send a message, your message is pinned to that location.
People can only see and communicate with each other through these messages. Except those who wish can add other social media accounts to their profiles. This way, when you enter a person's profile, if that person has added other social media accounts, you can access their social media accounts by clicking on them.
Is all that can be done limited to these? Of course not! You can star users on their posts so you can rate them. When you go to a region, you can filter the star range you want and let the messages of people within the star range you want appear.
So where and how can I use this social media? Let's explain immediately; Let's imagine that you are going to an area where people are not often found, for example you climb the hill of Everest or travel to the rainforest. You want to leave your name to those regions and indicate that you are there. But we do not want to pollute these beautiful places in any way. In exactly such a situation, you can state that you have found it in that location, and anyone who comes to that area can see that you are there because your message is fixed to that location.
This purpose is for uninhabited areas. Think big. New to a neighborhood? Ask people in that area for directions or questions about the area. Have you been to the shopping mall? Talk to him about shops or whatever you wish, with people in that area. Are you sitting on your site? Meet your neighbors and people around you. Chat with people on your site, discuss the status of the site. Are you a student at the university? Make new friends from your campus, share your confessions. What's more ...
We gave examples that come to mind. Join this brand new social media channel, discover what can be done with a social media concept that the world has not seen before, let's explore together.
This social media is something new and fresh. So there are many ways to develop and improve. If you have a suggestion, or if you have a feature that you do not like, wish it was like this, you can share it with us from the comments or directly from the share with us page in our application.
People can only see and communicate with each other through these messages. Except those who wish can add other social media accounts to their profiles. This way, when you enter a person's profile, if that person has added other social media accounts, you can access their social media accounts by clicking on them.
Is all that can be done limited to these? Of course not! You can star users on their posts so you can rate them. When you go to a region, you can filter the star range you want and let the messages of people within the star range you want appear.
So where and how can I use this social media? Let's explain immediately; Let's imagine that you are going to an area where people are not often found, for example you climb the hill of Everest or travel to the rainforest. You want to leave your name to those regions and indicate that you are there. But we do not want to pollute these beautiful places in any way. In exactly such a situation, you can state that you have found it in that location, and anyone who comes to that area can see that you are there because your message is fixed to that location.
This purpose is for uninhabited areas. Think big. New to a neighborhood? Ask people in that area for directions or questions about the area. Have you been to the shopping mall? Talk to him about shops or whatever you wish, with people in that area. Are you sitting on your site? Meet your neighbors and people around you. Chat with people on your site, discuss the status of the site. Are you a student at the university? Make new friends from your campus, share your confessions. What's more ...
We gave examples that come to mind. Join this brand new social media channel, discover what can be done with a social media concept that the world has not seen before, let's explore together.
This social media is something new and fresh. So there are many ways to develop and improve. If you have a suggestion, or if you have a feature that you do not like, wish it was like this, you can share it with us from the comments or directly from the share with us page in our application.
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