Mushroom Cloud, Inc.
4.4 out of 5


What is KOOK?
KOOK is a platform for LIVE & VLOG.
When you live streaming the video will be recorded and stored as your vlog collection.

What does KOOK do?
Sharing, Connecting, Memorizing, KOOK can do these all at the same time.

- On KOOK, as soon as you start LIVE streaming, you're on the front page, you're seen, you're discovered, and it's never been easier to share your vision with the world.
- On KOOK, you can invite friends to join your LIVE at any time, and you can also drop in to other's LIVE, meet strangers by chance and have casual conversations, Let the unknown happen. Isn't that the interesting thing about connection?
- On KOOK, All of your live streams can be recorded and stored on your profile page as a collection of your vlogs,It's free cloud storage, doesn't take up the phone's memory, and you can set privacy display limits

Why and when should we use KOOK?
Not all the time, but sometimes, Sometimes things happen so unexpectedly, so unprepared, that there's no chance to take a picture and post it.

like When you're driving home from work, birds fly over clouds and treetops, and the golden sunset makes everything out there breathtakingly beautiful, or you are riding and there is a really hot guy passed by, don't you secretly wish someone else had seen what you see?

Like when you go through your regular routine of going to the gym or playing basketball or skateboarding, you lift a heavy barbell, you shoot a nice 3-pointer, you pull off a neat trick, Don't you secretly regret not recording those moments?

Like when your friend does something super silly and funny at a party, or You finally graduated from college after all these years of hard work, Don't you want to remember the laughter and tears forever?

So bring your life in the cloud,Live streaming to the world while use KOOK's free cloud record and storage as your vlogs, then you won't miss anything.

We're not just 140 bytes, we're not just a few photos, and we're not just a 15-second videos.
From now on stop pleasing others, start focusing on yourself, keep it real, keep it LIVE.

What’s now?
The truth is your daily life may not always be dramatic, may not always be entertaining, but it is always different, and it may be hard to notice at the moment, time goes only one way so far and we never get it back, you never know what the future will bring, but there's something magical about documenting real life, It will point the direction of the future, It will make your changes visible, it will tell who you really are.
Okay, now you are ready to download KOOK and start LIVE.

EULA: https://imkook.com/privacy&terms.pdf

KOOK - LIVE & VLOG Screenshots