Join your duty as a pro bank manager of high school accounts! High school bank manager is a learning & cash management game where your pro banking skills will be tested. Start your day like a bank cashier to facilitate school people. Deposit their cash in their bank accounts! Manage bank simulator, cash register and banking transactions in your bank. Improve your management skills in this bank cashier games.
Perform multiple tasks & experience the different bank cashier activities in this high school bank manager games. It’s an opportunity for you to learn & apply what it is like to be in a bank manager & cashier adventure. Be responsible with you duty to handle a rush of customers. Open bank accounts, deposit & withdraw cash from the bank. Check your account balance, bank statement and pay utility bills on the cash counter.
Variety of bank learning activities to perform.
Learn to withdraw cash from the ATM.
Fill the deposit slip to save your money.
Work like a pro bank cashier in this high school bank manager game.
Addictive high school cashier game play to make your first time bank manager experience more interesting!
Perform multiple tasks & experience the different bank cashier activities in this high school bank manager games. It’s an opportunity for you to learn & apply what it is like to be in a bank manager & cashier adventure. Be responsible with you duty to handle a rush of customers. Open bank accounts, deposit & withdraw cash from the bank. Check your account balance, bank statement and pay utility bills on the cash counter.
Variety of bank learning activities to perform.
Learn to withdraw cash from the ATM.
Fill the deposit slip to save your money.
Work like a pro bank cashier in this high school bank manager game.
Addictive high school cashier game play to make your first time bank manager experience more interesting!
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