牛津英语 English File -Elementary icon

牛津英语 English File -Elementary

灵茜 周

About 牛津英语 English File -Elementary

English File 系列教程独特、生动、有趣,素以“让学生开口说英文”的特色为人所知。

3)iTutor,iChecker 和 iTools 实现个性化学习及辅助教学;

* 基于English File教师反馈,更新了文本内容、话题、听力材料;
* 每个偶数单元加入了视听活动,比如纪录片或戏剧片段,使课堂气氛更活跃;
* 在线练习中包含发音视频,学员可在此观看正确、地道的英文发音视频,参与到Rob和Jenny的短剧中。

English File 4th Edition,适用于中学,本应用配套Elementary级别。
Beginner级别--与小学衔接,Elementary--初一,Pre-Intermediate--初二,Pre-Intermediate--初三,Intermediate Plus--初高中衔接,Upper Intermediate--高一,Advanced--高二 。

Elementary 级别课本目录:
A Welcome to the class
B One world
C What's your email?
Practical English Episode 1
A Are you tidy or untidy?
B Made in America
C Slow down!
Revise and Check 1&2
A Britain:the good and the bad
B 9 to 5
C Love me, love my dog
Practical English Episode 2
A Family photos
B From morning to night
C Blue Zones
Revise and Check 3&4
A Vote for me!
B A quiet life?
C A city for all seasons
Practical English Episode 3
A A North African story
B The third Friday in June
C Making music
Revise and Check 5&6
A Selfies
B Wrong name, wrong place
C Happy New Year?
Practical English Episode 4
A A murder mystery
B A house with a history
C Room 333
Revise and Check 7&8
A #mydinnerlastnight
B White gold
C Facts and figures
Practical English Episode 5
A The most dangerous place...
B Five continents in a day
C the fortune teller
Revise and Check 9&10
A Culture shock
B Experiences or things?
C How smart is your phone?
Practical English Episode 6
A I've seen it ten times!
B He's been everywhere!
C The English File interview
Revise and Check 11&12
Grammar Bank
Vocabulary Bank
Irregular verbs
Sound Bank

牛津英语 English File -Elementary Screenshots