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Zedosh Ltd.

About Zedosh

Ready to join a party that's going to change the world?

Once inside, you'll find our unique content that we hope will help you high-key level up on your money knowledge. Some say it makes the world go round...so it's a good idea to keep some around!

In addition, we'll provide you with easy insights into where your money is going and when you have upcoming payments to make sure you cover them.

Here's how it works:

1) Once you sign in, we'll check whether you have an account. If you don't, don't panic! Just click to join the waiting list and we'll get in touch as soon as there's room.

2) When you're in, we'll ask you to quickly (and securely) connect your bank accounts and credit cards in our app. We use bank-grade security to ensure your data is both safe and private and we will never sell it on.

3) Once connected, our clever little app will help you categorise your spending and show you a week by week view of where and how much of your cash you're spending. That's not it! We'll also make sure you know when you've got upcoming payments to help you plan your cash ahead of time.

4) Unique content: We're busy creating tonnes of content that will help you wise up on the world of finance. We believe money is important, so it's a good idea to know more about it.

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