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Pythia Performance


About Pythia Performance

Pythia verbally delivers step-by-step work instructions on demand, globally, hands-free, and captures user feedback, then reports the time users spend on each step along with their feedback.

Pythia is designed for people who work with their hands and can't safely or efficiently handle computers, tablets, phones, or even printed aids. Use it to:

• Reduce new hire time to proficiency
• Coach more at process step precision instead of re-training
• Develop, update & consistently deliver step-by-step procedures globally
• Assure every critical step of every process is performed every time
• Reveal performance, process, staffing, equipment, policy and other improvement opportunities across the organization
• Reveal high potential workers and best practices
• Improve business decisions with real, valid, reliable, recent, unbiased performance data
• Share performance data with vendors and other external service providers
• Calculate the return on investment for performance improvement and other corporate initiatives

Pythia Performance Screenshots