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Hinge Ltd.

About Burrrp

Burrrp is intentionally simple focussed on feeding unlike most other apps that allow you to track nappies, sleep and all sorts of other information.

For us Burrrp serves a single purpose to inform you and any other caregivers of how your baby has fed by allowing you to time your feed, record how much was taken and even make comments. Probably the best feature of the app is seeing how long it was since the previous feed as you'll begin to see a pattern!

Let's face it when you're getting up at 4am in the morning you don't want to disturb your partner to ask how much they took on the previous feed.

Burrrp was created because my wife and I were sharing bottle feeds as much we could and were constantly asking how long ago was it since they were last fed and how much did they take.

Use the app on your own device, invite your partner and any other caregivers and enjoy being in sync.

Burrrp Screenshots