Stay up to date with the latest analysis of the businesses that you are tracking. Stay informed, with confidence, in viewing real-time data that matters to you. BIZWATCH helps you find more businesses that need your patronage by featuring other locations based on your previous searches and preferences, empowering you to continue to support your community!
Powered by Yelp’s extensive business database, search your favorite businesses by a variety of criteria such as a business’ name, category and location. To get an even more personalized experience, search by your current location and get a list of businesses to support. See your search results either via a list or on a map to get an idea of what businesses are around you.
Favorite a business to have BIZWATCH monitor it for status updates on a regular basis, such as whether it is currently open or has permanently closed. See a running list of all of your businesses to keep up-to-date on what is happening in the communities around you. If a business does close, BIZWATCH will update the business’ listing in your Watch List and immediately inform you of the status change. Order your favorites by dragging and dropping a business within each list!
Tap any business to get detailed and in-depth information like its street address, rating, price and more. With the phone number made available to you, you will have easy access to reach out to the business and ask how you can support them during these difficult times.
Stay connected to local businesses even outside the app! Want to see your business statistics quickly? Enable the Business Tracker widget, which comes in two different sizes, to see what is open and what is closed right when you open your phone! How about seeing curated featured business suggestions based on your previous searches and preferences? Enable the Featured Business widget and always have a new business to visit. Tap either of the widgets to easily launch the app and get more information!
Upgrade to BIZWATCH Premium to not only support small businesses, but also to get access to enhanced features:
– Watch an unlimited amount of businesses instead of the limit of 5
– Get up-to-date “Closure Notifications” to instantly notify you the second a business closure occurs, letting you stay on top of what is happening in your community
– Enable the “Manual Watch List Refresh” feature in your Watch List to receive on-demand updates when you want them most
– Receive lifetime access to all planned Premium feature upgrades including additional data visualizations, dedicated business donation features and much MORE coming soon!
*Developer Note: If you have purchased BIZWATCH Premium but have deleted and reinstalled the app, be sure to press the “Restore Purchases” button on the top right of the BIZWATCH Premium settings page to regain access to all premium features.*
By using BIZWATCH, you are making a difference in your community by keeping a pulse on what is happening with your local businesses. From watching your favorite businesses to providing ways to support them, this app helps bridge the gap between you and Main Street. Download BIZWATCH today and join us in making a difference for a better tomorrow!
Stay up to date with the latest analysis of the businesses that you are tracking. Stay informed, with confidence, in viewing real-time data that matters to you. BIZWATCH helps you find more businesses that need your patronage by featuring other locations based on your previous searches and preferences, empowering you to continue to support your community!
Powered by Yelp’s extensive business database, search your favorite businesses by a variety of criteria such as a business’ name, category and location. To get an even more personalized experience, search by your current location and get a list of businesses to support. See your search results either via a list or on a map to get an idea of what businesses are around you.
Favorite a business to have BIZWATCH monitor it for status updates on a regular basis, such as whether it is currently open or has permanently closed. See a running list of all of your businesses to keep up-to-date on what is happening in the communities around you. If a business does close, BIZWATCH will update the business’ listing in your Watch List and immediately inform you of the status change. Order your favorites by dragging and dropping a business within each list!
Tap any business to get detailed and in-depth information like its street address, rating, price and more. With the phone number made available to you, you will have easy access to reach out to the business and ask how you can support them during these difficult times.
Stay connected to local businesses even outside the app! Want to see your business statistics quickly? Enable the Business Tracker widget, which comes in two different sizes, to see what is open and what is closed right when you open your phone! How about seeing curated featured business suggestions based on your previous searches and preferences? Enable the Featured Business widget and always have a new business to visit. Tap either of the widgets to easily launch the app and get more information!
Upgrade to BIZWATCH Premium to not only support small businesses, but also to get access to enhanced features:
– Watch an unlimited amount of businesses instead of the limit of 5
– Get up-to-date “Closure Notifications” to instantly notify you the second a business closure occurs, letting you stay on top of what is happening in your community
– Enable the “Manual Watch List Refresh” feature in your Watch List to receive on-demand updates when you want them most
– Receive lifetime access to all planned Premium feature upgrades including additional data visualizations, dedicated business donation features and much MORE coming soon!
*Developer Note: If you have purchased BIZWATCH Premium but have deleted and reinstalled the app, be sure to press the “Restore Purchases” button on the top right of the BIZWATCH Premium settings page to regain access to all premium features.*
By using BIZWATCH, you are making a difference in your community by keeping a pulse on what is happening with your local businesses. From watching your favorite businesses to providing ways to support them, this app helps bridge the gap between you and Main Street. Download BIZWATCH today and join us in making a difference for a better tomorrow!
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