Mobile Soldiers: Plastic Army icon

Mobile Soldiers: Plastic Army

Ecliptec Mobile Ltd
2.5 out of 5

About Mobile Soldiers: Plastic Army

‘Mobile Soldiers: Plastic Army’ is a captivating, yet uncomplicated 3D experience, bringing the childhood table-top game to the world of mobile gaming. A brain game, it requires careful strategy and tactics.

You are a military leader and must command your troops to conquer your enemies over a series of combat situations. Your objective is to defeat your opponent with an army of soldiers - rifleman, gunner, grenadier and rocket-man. Use your army men to secure victory, with play over a set of free, and premium, maps.

The rules are simple, but you will need to use your brain, and employ strategy and tactics, in order to be successful. It’s a brain game and, like chess, easy to understand the rules, but difficult to master. Each combat soldier has individual strengths and weaknesses, so use strategic thinking when facing-off against your opponent.

Carry your army to victory over a series of Campaigns against an intelligent AI player. Once you’ve taken control of a map in Campaigns, engage in Match Play against up to three opponents. Opponents in Match Play can be AI or human - in pass-to-play style.

‘Mobile Soldiers: Plastic Army’ allows you to select a number of game options, like permitted unit types, game modes - Capture the Flag, Last Man Standing, and Maintain Morale.

Capture the Flag
Capture flags to gain more resources to spend on deployment.
More end-game rewards with more flags captured.
The most popular game mode.

Last Man Standing
There are no flags; start off with a fixed number of units.
Win by defeating all of your opponents’ units.

Maintain Morale
Capture the Flag with a twist.
Think and act quickly before your team’s morale is depleted.

Gain experience, in the form of Command Points, with each game you play. Use them to unlock new types of soldiers and compete on a global leader-board.

The battle has begun and you must be prepared. Easy to learn, difficult to master - can you be triumphant?

Mobile Soldiers: Plastic Army Screenshots

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