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Caveo AG
5.0 out of 5

About Caveo

The app giving you more clarity in the pension and insurance jungle: Caveo offers you a clear overview of all policies and contracts, takes the tedious paperwork off your hands, and advises you at the touch of a button.

Do I need a retirement- or life insurance policy - what's the difference? And do I still really need a fully comprehensive insurance for the old family car? These are everyday questions that are asked regularly. But usually, instead of clear answers, only more questions follow.
Customers often feel helpless and overwhelmed around pension- and insurance topics. With Caveo, we offer a simple and intuitive overview of all pension- and insurance contracts and reduce the overall complexity to a minimum.

All your insurances in your back pocket.
The days of dealing with endless paperwork are over. With Caveo, you have all your insurance and pension policies stored and arranged in one app. Ready when you need them.

Why not treat yourself to something you really need. Like a city trip.
We keep an overview of the insurance jungle for you and make sure you always have the right coverage and best conditions

Our service is completely free of charge for you
The insurance companies compensate us with standard brokerage fees so that you don’t ever have to pay for our services.

Your right-hand when it comes to insurance and pension matters
Our motto: 100% you. We don't work for banks or insurance companies - but for you

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