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The Urban Hippie

The Urban Hippie FW LLC
4.9 out of 5

About The Urban Hippie

Who is "The Urban Hippie?" We are not a demographic...we are kindred spirits. The original hippie movement may have started as part of a volatile change in America, and at one time created a divide between generations, but out of that volatility...grew change. And just like the butterfly...sometimes change brings beauty.

"The Urban Hippie" loves old Chicago style brick buildings, and old architecture. We love outdoor cafes, and Farmer's Markets. We love the little dive restaurants that Suburbia would rather not bother with. We prefer textures, and easy breezy style, over high maintenance glitz and glamour. We are approachable...and we love to laugh...even at ourselves...because life just shouldn't be that serious.

And last but not least...we are strong believers in Karma, and the "Butterfly effect." That's why you will most likely see us change paths when walking...because a small bug has entered our pathway, and we would rather just step aside.

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