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Form Movement Ltd
3.0 out of 5

About FormScore

FormScore is a new method of communication and mood tracking that encourages openness and community support.

We all have mental health. We all have well-being. We all have form. Pause each day and give yourself the gift of self-awareness:

* NOTICE – Reflect on how you are today and notice your score, out of ten
* CONNECT – Share your FormScore with those in your circle of trust
* SUPPORT – Follow the Form of your friends and support those who are struggling

With 10 simple questions FormScore will help you better understand what is driving your well-being and how to influence it.

* How motivated do I feel?
* What are my perceived energy levels?
* Do simple tasks feel easy or difficult?
* Have I slept well recently?
* Have I exercised well lately?
* How has my diet been recently?
* How purposeful do I feel?
* How connected to friends and family am I?
* How well am I balancing stress with recovery?
* How worried or relaxed about my finances am I?

FormScore is a way to track your mood and be open about how you’re feeling with others on a scale we can all understand.

10 – Lifetime peak form
9 – Exceptional form
8 – Very good form
7 – Good form
6 – Average form
5 – Low form
4 – Very low form
3 – Extremely low form
2 – Struggling, seek help
1 – Crisis, seek help now

Importantly, FormScore will help you understand what friends, family, and colleagues are feeling and when they might need some help. FormScore will also prompt your friends to check in with you when you're feeling low.

We are not yet comfortable talking about our mental health. Let’s talk about Form instead.

So how are you today? Out of ten?

FormScore Screenshots