Cute Ox Chinese New Year 2021 icon

Cute Ox Chinese New Year 2021

Simonhow seeboon

About Cute Ox Chinese New Year 2021

Chinese New Year, Moo Moo Stickers for iMessage
According to the Chinese Zodiac, 2021 is the Year of the Ox.
Year of the ox is a beautiful set of 32 stickers of the new year including love, prosperity and joy.
You can send a virtual red envelope with Ang Pao money, make disappear some Chinese ravioli, light lanterns, Barongsai cartoon, dragon dance ...
Surprise your friends and family with cute, funny and happy stickers for iMessage. Cute Ox Cow Moo is creative emojis and stickers.
Happy Chinese New Year! Let's exchange greeting stickers with your friends and family! Have a Happy and Great Ox New Year!

Happy 牛Year!这萌萌牛Moo Moo哒已准备与你在2021的牛年行大运。千万别错过活泼可爱、惹人 喜爱的表情包,会提醒你无时无刻开开心心,保持乐观勇敢。这爱心牛Moo Moo表情包都将传达最好的福气 ,给你满满的爱的祝福。太牛逼啦!元气满满牛Moo Moo哒!


Cute Ox Chinese New Year 2021 Screenshots