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Sharenotwaste AS
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About Fuud

There is plenty of delicious local food in Norway. With Fuud you can find food and buy directly from farms. It is a short distance to fruits and vegetables that have received an extra dose of sun rays, delicious seafood that has just come ashore and meat that is natural and local.

You get to know producers who are passionate about their products, taste and agriculture. Enthusiasts who care about what the earth gives us of wonderful food.

It is not enough that Fuud is an app for buying and selling local food. In Fuud you will also find food that with today's food system does not reach you. With Fuud, you can help save food that would otherwise have been thrown away or gone to animal feed. These are, for example, vegetables that look a little different or are too big, or too small, for the shops. It can be fruit from large private gardens and enthusiasts who share what they have grown. It can also be the fisherman who has trimmings and bones that you can get when you make fish soup.

With a Fuudfriend subscription you get access to all this food and a new world of food opens up that becomes available for free. In this way, Fuud helps to reduce food waste in addition to allowing you to experience the taste of good, healthy and fresh local food, for cheap money.

Open the app, search for local food in your local area, place an order and enjoy fresh food grown and produced near you.

• You can search for local food based on where you are, at work, at the cottage or at home.
• You can create searches that show local food nearby when you are traveling.
• You can sort and save searches based on what you are interested in.
• You can save your favorites and producers
Fuudfriends get access to all food that is also shared in Fuud.
• Once you have subscribed, the shared food is available to you free of charge.

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