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Ludovic Jardine

About RacRac

If you work on sets in the movie industry and part of your job needs you to keep track of the continuity, you’ve dealt with continuity photos before. They are stacked on your phone, sometimes mixed with your privates ones. Finding the one you want quickly becomes a real pain.
RacRac is here to solve this problem.

For each movie, find back your photos thanks to your own tags under 4 preset categories:
- Scenes
- Sets
- Props
- Characters

For example:
Let’s say your photo shows a ball, used by David on a field in scene 3. You can tag it “Scene 3”, “David”, “Football Field”, “Football”.
If you wonder which were the props used in the scene 3, you will quickly find them back, including the ball, with only two taps.

Your photos are strictly confidential because you’re the only one to have access to them, no internet needed, no backup on a cloud, everything stays on your phone!

RacRac Screenshots

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