SMILE is a global & worldwide community dedicated to happiness through video sharing.
Everyday, watch the best videos in different categories:
- Create your profile and share your own videos or those already available on Smile, and let people discover your world.
- Create private groups to share videos with your friends, family and coworkers.
- Find the best videos of the week and the month ranked and get access to millions of contents that you can share and like.
SMILE will give you your 100% free daily shot of happiness !!!
Everyday, watch the best videos in different categories:
- Create your profile and share your own videos or those already available on Smile, and let people discover your world.
- Create private groups to share videos with your friends, family and coworkers.
- Find the best videos of the week and the month ranked and get access to millions of contents that you can share and like.
SMILE will give you your 100% free daily shot of happiness !!!
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