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Mitwerken GmbH

About mitwerken

FOR CUSTOMERS (all of us)
Are you looking for support with craft or craft-related tasks? With mitwerken, you can find the right person to do the job for you, free of charge, directly via the app! Sometimes you need a professional, sometimes just someone who can do it. At mitwerken you can find both - real "mitwerker".

+++ Find support easily: No matter if it's for handcraft or craft-like jobs in and around the house, in the garden or other tasks around your home.
+++ Simply create a profile and off you go: As a "mitwerker" you can find jobs in your area, as a client you can find competent (hobby) craftsmen from your neighborhood.
+++ As a client, upload pictures that match your job or show which projects you have successfully completed as a "mitwerker". Now others know directly what is going on.

+++ Skills, performance evaluations and completed jobs - you can find all this in your profile. Here you can see at a glance whether a job and a "mitwerker" are a good match.
+++ Works like in any dating app: "mitwerker" and clients can like each other in advance. If there are two likes, there's a match! Then you can exchange ideas via the built-in chat and arrange a date.

+++ Now it's time to get started: plan together and soon your project will be a success.
+++ When you are satisfied, rate each other. If something didn't go optimally: Talk to each other and find a solution!
+++ In the end, both are happy: the client about the completed project and the "co-worker" about the well-earned money and the priceless feeling of having helped someone!
Do you have any questions or suggestions? Then always send them to or write to one of our social media accounts: @mitwerken.

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