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Pilot Log for Tesla

Jean-Marc Le Gros
1.0 out of 5

About Pilot Log for Tesla

Have you ever got these questions at the wheel of your Tesla:
- after a long trip, what was my actual autonomy and my actual cost for 100 miles (or km)?
- how much of my home electricity bill comes from charging my car?
- over a period, mixing all types of moves, what was my autonomy?

Pilot Log for Tesla, an integrated solution to automatically log your long trips and to easily record all your electric charges, allows you to answer these questions and more.

The app comes with a free trial for 2 archived trips and 3 charges, after which an in-app purchase for "lifetime unlock" is required.


By default a trip log is automatic: you just have to push a button to start you trip and another one to archive it when it is completed. Stops and starts along your trip are automatically detected and recorded.

Stops recording are useful only if they are meaningful for the log (ie. for recharge, rest, meal, …). The automatic mode takes care of this using a minimum stop duration (set by default at 5mn).

At each start/stop the following data are automatically collected: time, address, mileage, battery %, external temperature, added kWh (as applicable).

Using these data, trip statistics are displayed, globally and for each trip segment, relating to autonomy, distance, battery usage or charge, duration, speed and outside temperature.

Once the trip is archived, the « adjusted electricity cost » is computed using recharge costs and adjusted (+ or -) to take into account the difference of battery level at the beginning and end of the trip.


Charges done during a trip logged with the app are automatically available in the charges history and for charges statistics.

You can define up to 3 electricity contracts with the following data: address (via geo-localization), kWh price (peak and off-peak periods as applicable).

You can easily record related charges once completed; just push a button; the applicable contract is detected via geo-localization and added kWh are automatically collected from the car. Charge cost is computed using your electricity contract peak and off-peak unit prices (as applicable).

Any other type of charge is easily recorded in the same way. Added kWh come automatically from the car; you just have to enter yourself the charge cost (which could be 0 in case of a free charge).

Charges data are used to produce the following statistics, for the current month and the preceding 3 months:
- total charge cost
- contract charges cost (for each contract)
- cost of 100 miles (or km)
- autonomy (distance for a full battery)

Security, privacy, disclaimer:

- during a trip, the GPS coordinates of your phone are recorded. This is mandatory for the automatic mode and for the display of your trip on the map. The activation of Location Services will be requested at the first use of the app. You can also activate it later in Settings/Privacy & Security/Location Services

- email and password you use to connect to your Tesla account are not known by the app

- the application only gets data from the car and does so only when you log a start/stop or record a charge. Car battery drain by « waking-up » the car is negligible

- the only commands sent to the car are the following: wake-up and provide available data. No commands are sent for « physical » action (like open, close, …)

- the app is not endorsed by Tesla Inc.

Pilot Log for Tesla Screenshots