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CoSymbolic, LLC
5.0 out of 5

About CoSymbolic

The CoSymbolic app is a powerful tool for emergent discovery with self and others.

CoSymbolic uses the symbolic image as the “vehicle” to explore the emerging landscape of consciousness. By maintaining a state of curiosity and receptivity as this emergent landscape coalesces from the chaos, new insights spontaneously arise that hold specific meaning for you.

It’s easy to get started and simple to use.

1) Release expectations
2) Postpone judgement
3) Draw while receiving
4) Repeat

Keep your drawings private or explore your drawings in a shared community space for further discovery. Trained facilitators are available to hold space for you in LIVE voice-based sessions. Sessions are usually 15 to 20 minutes long and are free of charge.

CoSymbolic merges ancient practices with modern technology. A carefully tuned drawing engine uses shades of black and white, blur, contrast and movement to create a specific atmosphere of chaos from which spontaneous meanings emerge in real-time.

Be surprised and delighted by what emerges from within you.

CoSymbolic Screenshots