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Pass Selector

Robert Mocsany

About Pass Selector

If you do these passes by yourself as I do, you probably agree that the variety of your practice has shrunk dramatically over the years. You tend to do the forms you remember and neglect those you don’t, ending with a tiresome repetition. To escape boredom, you may have already abandoned the practice altogether.

The Pass Selector App revitalizes your practice and makes you feel like a curious beginner again.

In this app, you select a pass by choosing a shape, a color, and a sound. Each consecutive step narrows down the list of passes till only one remain. If you don’t remember the movements and need a reminder, tap on the displayed title to link you to a description.

Most of these descriptions come from practitioners taking notes on Cleargreen seminars and workshops since 1995.

The app runs entirely on random selection, which means that your individual preferences for shape, color, and sound have no logical connection to the result, yet, the result is the result of your choices.

Random selection is the black hole of reason. Its unpredictable nature makes it the perfect conduit for the spirit to express itself in an entirely logical environment, such as a mobile application. Random selection hinges your phone to the great mystery.

The app contains dozens of forms, but don’t expect to encounter every one of them; random is not uniform. There will be some forms the app will repeatedly pick for you and others that you may never come across.

Random has a clustering effect; it repeats some items inconsistently instead of selecting new ones every time. The repeated items are then exchanged for different ones as new selections occur.

This repetition is different from the kind I mentioned at the beginning. According to the Nagual, the repetitive choices leading to burnout come from the circular energy of the right body; meanwhile, the unpredictable nature of randomness is more akin to the turbulent energy of the left body.

The Pass Selector App will renew your practice by letting your feelings decide about shapes, colors, and sounds and provide you with an ever-changing cluster of passes pertinent to you only; thus, you can use the app as a magical compass.

Pass Selector Screenshots