Chronomizer icon


Adam Dama
4.6 out of 5

About Chronomizer

Chronomizer allows you to create date and time complications for your Apple Watch. Configure your own styles and let your personality shine on all your watch faces!

— Standard Features —
• Supports the newest and most beautiful Graphic complication types (Corner, Circular, Bezel, Extra Large), available only on Series 4+
• Preconfigured templates ready to use right away
• Available customization include:
- Date, Time, Custom Date + Time Format, or Text content
- Gauge and text designs available
- Custom colors for text and background
- Choose a background image
- Choose custom fonts and styles
- Choose a different time zone
- Use a different locale
- Set an offset by minutes
- ...and more!
• More supported complication types coming!

— Premium Access Features —
• Ad free experience
• Unlimited saved designs
• Multiple of the same complication type at the same time
• Telemetry disabled by default
• Export individual designs

Chronomizer Screenshots