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About GAB-on!

GAB-on! gets families talking, about school, every day.

Does this sound familiar?
“How was your day?”
- “Fine.”
“What did you do in school today?”
- “Nothing.”

With GAB-on!, your child chooses a topic to start the conversation. During the school day, your child creates a few GABs - very short reminders of things that were interesting or important to them. It takes just a minute or two.

After school, your child's GABs are available on your phone. Instead of a generic "What did you do in school today?" you can ask "What was 'onion skin and lake water'?" You'll know you are asking about something they want to talk about!

Sound simple? It is! But daily conversation is a proven, powerful tool in your child's academic, social and emotional development. It literally affects the physical growth of their brain!

Why students love GAB-on!

Students choose the topics of conversation. They know they'll be talking about what interests them and what they want to share.

A lot happens during the school day. Remembering something specific to talk about can be a real challenge. With GAB-on! students are reminded with hints that they wrote themselves.

Why parents love GAB-on!

No more pulling teeth to find out what happened during school! As you and your child use GAB-on! the conversations become easier and easier. They want to talk with you, and GAB-on! helps get the ball rolling.

Parents using GAB-on! consistently for just a few weeks tell us that they learn new things about their child's interests and needs. Even when the relationship was already strong.

Small moments in school can lead to much larger conversations at home about challenges or stresses your child is experiencing, what they want to learn, world events, and how they imagine their careers in the future.

Why teachers love GAB-on!

Talking at home about what happened in class that day reinforces the learning. When you talk with your child about what happened in school, you also make it more likely they will go back to school the next day wanting to learn more.

GAB-on! requires minimal time and effort from teachers. In many cases, teachers don't need to do anything at all! Teachers have students who are more engaged in class and more excited to learn.

Why education and child development experts love GAB-on!

Parent engagement in a child's education is directly correlated with student success. Student agency - when a child feels control over what they are learning and discussing - is also a known booster of academic success.

Research proves that regular back-and-forth dialog has huge benefits in a child's developing brain. It literally helps grow the brain!

GAB-on! is partnered with a world-class research team at University of Pennsylvania’s Graduate School of Education to study the positive effects of using GAB-on! on a daily basis.

GAB-on! is a different kind of app

You won't spend hours scrolling through GAB-on! You can quickly see what your child is interested in talking about that day, then put down your phone and start the conversation.

We make sparing use of notifications. If your child has their own device, we can send a reminder to enter GABs. We notify you when new GABs are ready for a conversation.

One tap marks that a GAB has been discussed. You can see at a glance how many conversations you're having and how frequently, week by week.

GAB-on! is so simple to use that it’s powerful, positive impact on parent engagement, academics, social and emotional development, and mental health is amazing.


- Simple and Easy to Use
- Accessible Anywhere
- Personalized Tips and Action Steps
- Harness Parent Engagement in Education
- Build Student Voice
- Support Social & Emotional Learning
- Reduce Anxiety
- Patented Platform
- Benefits k-12
- Research Driven
- Connect As A Family
- Team of Experts
- Built By Parents and Educators

GAB-on! Screenshots