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Mims All in one travel planner

Yannis Lang

About Mims All in one travel planner

Got a trip in mind?
Start by creating a trip, give it a name, we'll take care of the rest.
Once organized, you will find data and analysis on the whole trip.
Once the trip is over, let us know and we'll take care of storing it in the memories.

Organize, plan, check
Add the different stages of your trip: transportation (train, bus, car, cab, plane, boat), accommodation (hotel, club, camping ...).
You can use the app to compare different offers when planning to get the cheapest offer.
Keep important documents and data such as shuttle schedules, your boarding pass or your accommodation reservation...
You can also have a global vision of the travel budget by filling in the costs.
Find a global and analytical vision of the trip directly in the trip details.

Don't forget anything!
Thanks to the "Task" and "Suitcase" sections, create as many shortlists and suitcases as you need to make sure you don't forget anything!
Customize these lists according to your taste with an infinite number of color combinations and icons!

Respect of your data
Mims is an independent application. It does not collect any of your data.
If you have configured iCloud on your device, your travel data and documents are automatically synchronized on your personal space. We have no access to this data.

Once the application is obtained: no subscription or paid functionality in the application.

Mims All in one travel planner Screenshots