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Galactic Street, LLC
5.0 out of 5

About Enlifted

Tired of feeling stuck? Uncover the words that are unconsciously holding you back. Transform self-made obstacles into action. Our app surfaces your hurdles by highlighting sticky Binaries, mushy Soft Talk, and limiting Negations—and reframing them to reveal opportunities hidden by self-limiting language patterns. Backed by hundreds of coaches and their clients, the Enlifted methodology is your key to getting clear on your thoughts and goals.
In this new toolkit for thought-crafting, you can:
* Refine your language patterns with in-app guidance
* Dig deeper with over 100 journaling prompts and dozens of thought crafting “flows” designed by Enlifted coaching experts
* Discover when a topic gets you “hot” with feedback on your rate of speech
* Learn how to translate limiting beliefs into more accurate, actionable, and empowering statements

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