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Changemaker Communities

Changemaker Teens, LLC

About Changemaker Communities

Our young people need a break from the overwhelming sadness and hopelessness that is consuming their generation. They lack purpose and meaning, and the best way to get that back is to show them how good it feels to help others. The Changemaker Communities App was created for that purpose. It offers the chance for people of all ages to discover what is important to them, and then to use that discovery to work with others to make a difference in their communities and beyond.

When users are able to tangibly see how their contributions have helped other people, mistreated animals or our deteriorating environment, a spark will be ignited, and they will want to do more. Young people who participate in service opportunities often continue to serve others for a lifetime. That is exactly what this planet needs.

The key benefits of the app is to provide a starting point for churches, schools, YMCA’s, community centers and other groups as they begin service projects that will provide hope and joy where there was once just sadness. Being part of a group that is devoted to helping others will reap benefits for generations to come.

Our key feature is the ability for each user to see what other groups are doing in their community and throughout the world and then be able to duplicate that same process. Each successful project will be posted on the app with a detailed analysis of how it was done. We will share changemaker events, photos, announcements and continually update our “changemakers choose” list of organizations that need people to get involved and make a difference! There is also a link to the login portals of both the changemaker communities and changemaker churches websites.

Changemaker Communities Screenshots

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