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Austin Regional Clinic, P.A.
5.0 out of 5

About NormanMD

24/7 on-demand urgent care from local doctors you trust

The NormanMD app allows you to quickly communicate with our Family Medicine and Pediatric doctors 24/7/365 about your immediate medical concerns. All of our physicians are local and part of our communities in Central Texas.

Our experience, board certified Family Medicne and Pediatric doctors can:
- answer your medical questions
- diagnose minor illnesses
- treat common ailments
- prescribe medications as needed
- direct you to the most appropriate place to address your healthcare needs

Instant Message
Want to know if there is an over-the-counter medication you can take? Not sure if you need an office visit? Start with a direct message and get an answer from a doctor in minutes.

Attach Photos
Need to show the doctor an image of the rash on your skin or the redness in your eyes? Not sure if your cut needs stitches? Snap a photo on your smart phone and attach it securely to a message.

NormanMD Screenshots