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Baba Yaga Period & Cycle App

Hans-Peter Dietz
4.5 out of 5

About Baba Yaga Period & Cycle App

I’m Baba Yaga, your personal menstrual health guide empowering you with daily cycle superpowers. Everything you need to live in sync with your menstrual cycle in one place - easy mood and period tracking, powerful monthly pattern analysis, and daily holistic wellness tips, based on your menstrual cycle phases. Think: science-backed cycle advice meets daily hormone horoscope to truly empower you to live your best cyclical life.

Simply track your last period and start receiving insights into what makes each day of your cycle special and how you can balance your energy and hormones. Baba Yaga combines ancestral wisdom and holistic well-being practices with science and medical research to help you integrate your day-to-day life into your personal hormone patterns. Understand your fertility, recognize your unique monthly patterns, learn to read your body’s signals, practice mindfulness, plan your life according to each cycle phase’s strengths & weaknesses, and set healthy boundaries in your life. Baba Yaga is your personal cheerleader-guide-coach-fairy-godmother.


Baba Yaga is female-led and based in Europe. We understand how important safe menstrual healthcare access and data privacy are in this world. This is why we will never sell or hand over your personal data to any third parties. Everything you track in the Baba Yaga stays with us. We don’t only have to adhere to some of the world’s strictest data privacy laws in the World (GDPR), but we are going above and beyond that to make sure that your data stays as safe as it can be.


Your menstrual cycle and hormones determine virtually every aspect of your life. Learn to read your body’s signals and understand yourself better. Baba Yaga Superpowers are your science-backed hormone horoscope, guiding you through your hormone jungle with tips und tricks to make your days more aligned and mindful.


For even more tips, holistic information about your cycle phases, and how the moon might influence your life and cycle, you can add on Baba Yaga’s Moon Wisdom.

• Daily Do’s and Dont’s: make the most of your cyclical journey.
• Cycle Wisdom: learn about the menstrual cycle’s phases and leverage each phase’s strengths and weaknesses.
• Moon Phases: understand how the moon influences you and harness its powers for your daily life.


Track and analyze your menstrual health data. No two people or cycles are ever the same, which is why you will only find relevant analyses and graphs that explain your own cycle health.

• Full Menstrual Health Tracking: practice embodied mindfulness by tracking your cycle signals, your mood, and other health indicators.
• Powerful Analysis Tools: read your body’s patterns with dynamic graphs and statistics that tell you exactly what you need to know.
• Inform your conversations with doctors and primary healthcare providers.


Get full access to Baba Yaga’s empowerment. Experience

• Full Integration: combine both scientific and ancestral knowledge to learn about your cyclical nature.
• Full Menstrual Health Tracking: practice embodied mindfulness by tracking your cycle signals, your mood, and other health indicators.
• Powerful Analysis Tools: read your body’s patterns with dynamic graphs and statistics that tell you exactly what you need to know.
• Full Moon Wisdom: learn how to harness your cycle phases’ and the moon phases’ power for your daily life.


To empower and support you on your lifelong menstrual journey.


We believe that every-menstruating-body deserves to feel empowered by their hormones, not burdened or shamed.

Note: The Baba Yaga itself should not be used as a method of birth control.


Baba Yaga Period & Cycle App Screenshots