The perfect app to record your precious memories!
Share My Stories is a platform for you to record events that you want to immortalize. Memories are fleeting, but recording them on your exclusive timeline on Share My Stories is permanent.
> Record An Event: Attach photos and videos from an outing that you'd like to remember forever
> Gift A Timeline: Create a timeline and gift an extremely personalized present to your loved ones
> Perfect Privacy: Your events can only be seen by people allowed by you
Immortalize your memories. Share your story on Share My Stories today!
Share My Stories is a platform for you to record events that you want to immortalize. Memories are fleeting, but recording them on your exclusive timeline on Share My Stories is permanent.
> Record An Event: Attach photos and videos from an outing that you'd like to remember forever
> Gift A Timeline: Create a timeline and gift an extremely personalized present to your loved ones
> Perfect Privacy: Your events can only be seen by people allowed by you
Immortalize your memories. Share your story on Share My Stories today!
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