Transaction Communications, LLC
1.9 out of 5


The games in RNMKRS U are SpeedSell Standard RolePlay and RolePlay PRO. Speed sell is all about developing a 90 second Elevator Pitch and selling yourself. RolePlay is about representing a product in a B2B business sale. Roleplay PRO is a B2B business sale for advanced sales students, students who have completed Standard Roleplay and college Sales Teams.

All three games are process driven. You'll learn how to take the right steps, in the right sequence, expressed the right way to accomplish your goal.

In the RNMKRS College Sales Competition, which happens twice a year, students from over 70 colleges and universities around the country and Canada compete in the app to be tops on the leaderboard and for visibility with top employers in the sales field.

To excel in these apps you must follow the process. It's not about style, enthusiasm or freelancing. If you can follow the process with the right things at the right time you'll be a winner! Join us and give it a try!

RNMKRS U Screenshots