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About askMYAi

MYAi is your free social recommendation network for books, movies and TV shows...powered by people like you - enhanced by artificial intelligence (AI)

Tired of…
• spending countless hours trying to decide what to read or watch, only to end up disappointed?
• spending hours scrolling through countless different streaming platforms and still ending up with something mediocre?
• keeping scattered lists and notes of books, movies and shows that have been recommended to you?
• wondering what great things your friends are reading and watching?

Imagine being able to…
• discover and curate what to read and watch next based on your trusted sources - the people that matter to you - your family, friends and people similar to you;
• organize and track all your books, movies, and TV shows - a single read list and watchlist of the books you've read, the shows you are watching, the movies you're interested in - all in one place;
• get personalized suggestions and recommendations, based on the things you already love and based on the things your family, friends and colleagues love;
• get notified when a new show is available, and easily see what streaming provider it's on;
...and much more.

Ask MYAi - your all-in-one book, movie and TV show app that learns what you love and helps you find what's new…and it’s 100% free!

Two important tips
• MYAi is social and better with friends. The more friends, family, or colleagues you invite, the more new content you’ll discover. Feel free to invite friends!
• The more you rate, the better MYAi gets to know you and more accurately suggest things to you that you’ll love. Feel free to rate as much as you can!

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