BTBerryWifi icon


Normand Frenette
5.0 out of 5

About BTBerryWifi

The BTBerryWifi app connects to your Headless Raspberry Pi via bluetooth, and allows you to select a wifi networks seen by your Raspberry Pi, using a simple wifi connection screen. The app displays the network strength, and whether the wifi network is locked (encoded) or open. If locked, it prompts you for the network's password (key). You can also connect to hidden SSID network (if you know it). Any network you connect to is saved on the raspberry pi for future re-use. This is ideal if you bring your headless Raspberry Pi to a new location or if you change your home router for example. There is no need to connect a monitor, keyboard and mouse to your Raspberry Pi. Simply fire up the iPhone app, connect to a raspberry pi and set its wifi network.

You must FISRT install the corresponding python program on the Raspberry Pi in order for the Raspberry Pi to communicate with the iPhone app.The python code to be installed is available for free (open source). Installation is very simple: follow the instructions at

2) This works for Raspberry Pi with integrated bluetooth such as Raspberry Pi 3B+ or 4.

3) The app user guide can be found at:

BTBerryWifi Screenshots