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Brokero App s.r.o.

About Brokero

The Brokero app is your virtual broker that helps you keep up with the stock market. Our mission is to show you how we look at stocks and where we look for maximum appreciation at the cost of minimum risk.

Notifications- With in-app notifications, you won't miss any interesting picks. As soon as we think it's the right time to enter an investment, we notify all active users at the same time with a message with details and parameters of the potential trade.

Active Tips- All investments that we find attractive are displayed in the Active Tips section. The details of each recommended stock include our preferred parameters, how to execute the transaction and the reasons why the investment should move in the expected direction.

Historical Tips- The Brokero app is transparent, all the tips we have presented are stored in the Historical Tips after the close. All the details of both buying and selling tips can be found here.

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