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About Dining@CVA

Cafe@CVA Commons及Deli分別位於香港浸會大學傳理視藝大樓地下及一樓,為顧客提供多款美食,包括由專業咖啡師沖調的優質咖啡、各式飲品和匯集中西東南亞風味的熱食,以及種類繁多的悠閒輕食如沙律、三文治及蛋糕等,更供應廣受歡迎的港式和亞洲口味街頭小食,為校內社群帶來多項滋味選擇。

歡迎Cafe@CVA Commons及Deli顧客下載本流動應用程式,尊享以下服務:
- 線上遙距點餐,節省輪候時間;
- 消費賺取會員積分,兌換多種優惠及/或電子現金券;
- 緊貼各項最新消息及優惠。


Cafe@CVA Commons and Deli are located on the ground floor and the first floor respectively of Lee Shau Kee Communication and Visual Arts Building at Hong Kong Baptist University. The two outlets supply a variety of delicacies for the HKBU community, including premium coffees handcrafted by professional barista, beverages, hot dishes that offer a mix of Chinese, western and Southeast Asian flavors, plus a range of light snacks covering salad, sandwiches and sliced cakes, as well as mouth-watering Hong Kong and Asian style street food.

Patrons of Cafe@CVA Commons and Deli can download this mobile application and enjoy various services:
- Place online orders even before arrival and save time and effort on queueing;
- Earn member bonus points with your spending for redemption of special offers and e-coupons;
- Keep up with latest news and offers.

Download this mobile application now and enjoy savings with your Welcome E-coupon.

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