TouchWood! icon


Vizualize Limited
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About TouchWood!

我啊媽話「講錯嘢要touch wood」,好似我咁...每日都講錯好多嘢,每日都發生好多唔如意嘅事,但就每次都搵唔到塊wood嚟touch...
有時唔只喺講錯嘢,得閒touch下都好,或者都會帶來好運。你知啦香港而家咁嘅情況......大家都try try,就算明知無用都好,都希望大家可以放輕鬆會心微笑一下 ;) Good Luck!

My mother said, "After saying something that might bring bad luck, touching wood can avoid the bad consequences". Like me, I always say the wrong thing and encounter a lot of unpleasant stuffs everyday, but every time I can't find a piece of wood to touch.
There is a saying that "trees have spirituality, and you will have good luck when you touch them." There are a lot of woods in the app, for example oak, pine, beech and Gro...o...opps...nothing...
Not only for saying the wrong thing, touching the woods would always bring you good luck at any situation . Especially in Hong Kong... give it a try, even it might be useless, we still hoping everyone can take a break and smile while touching the woods ;) Good luck!


呢個app嘅構思係參考ViuTV一套劇集 "IT狗" 入面提到嘅 "TouchWood" app。多謝"IT狗"團隊諗咗個咁有趣嘅橋段,我地借呢個構思去將個app變成真實。希望大家都開心同Good Luck!

This app is inspired by the TouchWood app mentioned in a ViuTV drama "In Geek We Trust (IT狗)" and is just for fun. Credit to "In Geek We Trust (IT狗)" team for the amusing idea. Have fun and wish all of you good luck!

Also credit to 陳瑞輝 Frankie Chan who played Never, the guy who invented TouchWood app in the drama.

謝謝ViuTV! 香港人Good Luck!

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