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Pancreatic Surgery

everywhereIM BV

About Pancreatic Surgery

This application for bed-side use helps in early recognition and management of complications in patients after pancreatic resection. Using routine information from clinical evaluation and blood tests it generates daily recommendations on abdominal computed tomography, antibiotic treatment, radiological drainage and abdominal drain removal.

The algorithm of this application reduced major postoperative complications and mortality in a nationwide stepped-wedge randomized trial by the Dutch Pancreatic Cancer Group (DPCG) – Smits FJ et al – Lancet 2022.

This Pancreatic surgary app contains information for healthcare professionals only, is not suitable for use by patients, and is not medical or treatment advice and should not be treated as such by the user. As such, this App should not be relied upon for medical diagnosis or as a recommendation for medical care or treatment. The information contained in this app is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, on or available through this app is for general information purposes only for healthcare professionals.

Professional medical advice and assistance

We strongly encourage you to confirm any information obtained from or through this app with your doctor or other healthcare professional and to review any information related to a medical condition or treatment with your doctor or other healthcare professional.
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Pancreatic Surgery Screenshots