Lat/Long icon


Zlatko Blagus

About Lat/Long

Make effortless conversion of Latitude and Longitude from deg/min/sec.dec to deg/min.dec or deg.dec. Just tap on the field You want and the result is copied to clipboard and can be pasted to other application's that can use information.

The format for LAT is DD MM SS.d while for the LONG it is DDD MM SS.d. LONG goes from 0-180 deg, so for example if You want you use 51 deg LONG the way to enter it in the app is 051 MM SS.d The reason why I left it this way is to make sure that there is no mistake while entering coordinates.
Example entry: 25 16 54.60N / 051 36 06.49E (don’t omit the 0 at the beginning of LONG if its less then 100 deg LONG, if I would programmatically remove 0 that could lead to errors and ambiguity)

Lat/Long Screenshots