Keep a record of how much time you spend on what and what day.
You can make better use of your time just by recording it.
main function
+ Register today's to-do list.
Registered tasks can be postponed or completed.
+ Don't procrastinate and complete your to-dos.
Unfinished tasks are automatically postponed to tomorrow.
+ Log and check the time of the day you actually did it.
You can log time for to-dos with a simple click.
paid payment
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You can make better use of your time just by recording it.
main function
+ Register today's to-do list.
Registered tasks can be postponed or completed.
+ Don't procrastinate and complete your to-dos.
Unfinished tasks are automatically postponed to tomorrow.
+ Log and check the time of the day you actually did it.
You can log time for to-dos with a simple click.
paid payment
- Remove Ads
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