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Check Vitals Now


About Check Vitals Now

Check Vitals Now is yet another mobile extension to the My Records Now, the world’s first universal Personal Health Records System. This web based personal records repository represents disruptive technology in that it provides a user the ability to collect, store and manage all of their medical records including imaging in a safe secure, HIPAA compliant cloud based system. The Check Vitals Now APP is a multi-device APP that works with seven different types of medical devices. Between the seven connectable FDA Approved medical devices, the user can collect data on one’s Lung Function (Spirometry) Blood Pressure and Heart Rate, Oxygen Saturation (Spo2), Blood Glucose, Temperature, Weight/BMI and ECG.

The Check Vitals Now collects all data and transmits to the user’s My Records Now Personal Health Record Cloud-Based Repository. The My Records Now not only provides a user with their virtual lifetime medical records anywhere and anytime, it provides the ability to connect with their entire healthcare team with the assurance that at every encounter, the care provider has been provided with all your data from which to diagnose, develop care/treatment plans and provide other services. Global Care likes to say it like this: “If medicine is a science, then the science is the data, absent such, we are forever doomed to simply practice medicine”, We Can Do Better”!

Check Vitals Now App is compatible for use with many medical devices to enable you to live a more vibrant life.

● Blood Pressure Monitor ● Sp02 Oximetry ● Blood Glucose Monitor ● Weight Scales
● ECG Monitor ● Spirometer ● Digital Thermometer ● Fall Monitor

Check Vitals Now Screenshots