Country Code (Cities) icon

Country Code (Cities)

Jiang Chang

About Country Code (Cities)

Country Code (Cities) to let you search all of 250 countries and their cities information, the country information includes country name, official state name. sovereignty, alpha-2 code, alpha-3 code, numeric code, internet ccTLD, capital, call code, timezone, population, national flag ration and currency information, the city information includes city name, admin, city type, GPS coordinate and city population.

- Search and sort the information for all 250 countries.
- Search and sort the information for cities of all 250 countries.

Provide following ISO information for every country.
- Country name.
- Official state name.
- Sovereignty.
- Alpha-2 code.
- Alpha-3 code.
- Numeric code.
- Internet ccTLD.

- Capital.
- Call code.
- Timezone.
- Currency.
- Currency symbol.
- Fractional unit.
- Basic number.
- Population.
- National flag ratio.

Provide following information for every city.
- City name.
- City type.
- City admin.
- GPS coordinates
- Population.

Country Code (Cities) Screenshots